
Information about getting to and from school

Kiss and Ride

Morning: 8:45 a.m. - 9:10 a.m. (Students should be in the classrooms when school begins at 9:10 a.m.). Afternoon: Dismissal begins at 3:55 p.m.

  • This year, we will be using student’s last name for Kiss-n-Ride dismissal. All students dismissing via Kiss-n-Ride line go to the gym to wait for their names to be called.
  • All students will be issued a Kiss-n-Ride tag so you are ready to go if and when you need to use this service.
  • The Kiss-n-Ride line begins in our parking lot and loops around to Doors 3 and 4.  Staff will be outside to direct drivers and guide students into or out of the building.
  • Students should not be dropped off in the bus loop directly in front of school.
  • We ask that everyone using Kiss-n-Ride discontinue the use of cell phones while driving through the lane and follow the directions of the staff on duty.  

Safety Patrols

Responsible students have been selected to participate in the school safety program directed by a teacher sponsor with assistance from Fairfax County Police. The primary objective is to promote safety among children. Patrols have neither the authority nor the training to stop or direct traffic.


We have made some updates to our walker dismissal to avoid congestion in front of the school as our bus riders make their way to the buses. 

  • Kindergarten Walkers: All Kindergarten walkers will be dismissed at Door 1 (front door) or Door 6 (back door). Students in Kindergarten must be met by an adult or older student (7th grade or above) at either Door 1 or 6, and they will be handed directly to the person picking them up.
  • Grades 1-6 Walkers: Walkers in grades 1- 6 who are meeting a parent or guardian will be exiting Door 2 by the flagpole, or toward the playground side of the building. Please meet your student by the flagpole or the Lion painting on the driveway to the playground.  Parents should not be waiting on the sidewalk in front of the building so that our bus riders have clear access to their buses.

Virginia state law forbids the passing of a school bus that is loading or unloading children, therefore, we do not allow parking in the bus loop during arrival and dismissal. If you are parking and picking your child up outside school, they are considered a “walker.”  For the safety of our students, we ask that parents wait by the flagpole or Lion painting and stay clear of the bus loop. Please do not walk students across the bus lanes or across the street directly in front of the school or through the Kiss-n-Ride lane. If you are parking and picking up your student, please use the crosswalk where the crossing guard is located

Bus Riders

Bus transportation will be provided for Laurel Ridge students living in the neighborhoods where walking would be hazardous. If your address is served by bus service, you will receive a separate letter from FCPS Transportation designating your bus stop and time. It’s important that you remember the “run number,” for example LL-1. This will be posted in the bus window because the actual bus number may sometimes change.  Buses can run up to 40 minutes late the first week of school. We appreciate your patience as transportation irons out any kinks in the routes.

Bus Delay Notification System

This system provides parents with timely notification of late bus route information.  Parents may access the system at the link below or use the FCPS Mobile App to receive the delayed bus report. Morning route information will be available until noon. The afternoon route information will be available from 1:00-5:00 p.m.  

Need assistance or have questions? Contact the FCPS transportation office for our school at 703-249-7000. For any concerns after hourscontact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.