Save the Date! The Run For The Ridge is March 15th!

We are excited to announce the date has been set for our annual school fundraiser, Run for the Ridge. More information, including how to register for the event, is below:

What: 5k Fun Run and Kindergarten Dash

Who: All Laurel Ridge Families and Staff

When: Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 8:00 a.m.  

Where: Meet at the Laurel Ridge bus loop. The event will begin with a Kindergarten Dash at 8:15 a.m. followed by a 5K run through the neighborhood.

Why: To raise money for our school and have fun!

How to participate: Advanced registration closed on Monday, February 17th.  If you registered by the deadline, your pre-ordered t-shirt purchase serves as your race registration.  A bib number will be sent home with each t-shirt. 

Questions: Please contact Kellie Prosser for more information.

We look forward to seeing our Laurel Ridge families at our fun run!