Ms. Patterson Recognized as FCPS Cares of the Month Recipient!

December 2018's FCPS Cares Region 4 Recipient

By Department of Human Resources
January 29, 2019
jackie patterson
Kindergarten teacher Jackie Patterson (left) was recognized as the December 2018 FCPS Cares of the Month recipient. A staff breakfast celebration was held while Principal Wassenberg and a member of the FCPS Department of Human Resources presented her with a certificate and pin.

Congratulations to kindergarten teacher Jackie Patterson on being recognized as the December FCPS Cares Recipient of the Month for Region 4 by the Department of Human Resources. Congratulations, Ms. Patterson!

Below is the write up submitted by the parent of one of Ms. Patterson's students.

When Ms. Patterson heard that our son was sick and going to miss his first field trip of elementary school, she seemed as heartbroken as he was. Imagine his surprise (and joy!) when she showed up at our house after school, with a bag of goodies from the trip. We have loved having Ms. Patterson teach our son, but this was truly above and beyond!